

Do copperheads lay eggs

Updated: 10/8/2023
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7y ago

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The trans-Pecos copperhead lives in parts of the Chihuahuan Desert.

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7y ago

No. Copperheads are pit vipers. Pit vipers give birth to live young.

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no they do not

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Q: Do copperheads lay eggs
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Copperheads don't lay eggs; they give birth. A typical litter has 4 to 7 offspring.

HttpwikianswerscomQHow many eggs does a copper head lay?

Copperheads are pit vipers, and pit vipers do not lay eggs; they give birth to living young - a process called ovoviviparity.

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This statement about all snakes lay eggs is incorrect. Actually there are a few species of snakes that do not lay eggs.. Example, my Columbian Boa's do not lay eggs.. My Boa gives birth to live baby snakes... A lot of snakes lay eggs, but no all of them. As for the Corn Snakes, Yes they do lay eggs. I have had several corn snakes, and they do lay eggs.

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There are lots of snakes that don't lay eggs - they hold the eggs inside their bodies until they hatch, it's not placental like with mammals, but it's often called live birth and the clutches are often referred to as litters. Most boa species (with only 2-3 species that lay eggs), garter snakes, copperheads, and some vipers are a few examples of these types of snakes.