

Do cosmic rays cause lightning

Updated: 10/18/2022
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11y ago

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Not really. It's possible that a given stroke of lightning might be precipitated by a cosmic ray, but that's certainly not the only factor, and probably not an important factor.

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Q: Do cosmic rays cause lightning
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Are cosmic rays dangerous to earths inhabitants?

Cosmic rays can be extremely dangerous, and exposure to them can cause genetic mutations, cancer, radiation posion, and death. Luckily, life on Earth is largely protected from these harmful effects by the Earth's atmosphere (which stops all cosmic rays with energies below 1 GeV) and the Earth's magnetic field (which deflects cosmic rays).

Why are cosmic rays harmful to living organisms?

Because the cosmic rays consist of charged particles like gamma rays and x-rays

Why do cosmic rays cause the climate not to change?

I don't see why they should affect climate significantly. The total amount of energy Earth receives from cosmic rays is quite insignificant, compared to the energy it receives from sunlight.

What type of wave vibrates the faster cosmic rays or gamma rays?

There's a considerable (overlapping) range of frequencies for both gamma rays and cosmic rays, but the upper reach for gamma rays is considered to be higher than that for cosmic rays, all the way to 10^30Hz.

What are deadly cosmic rays?

They are rays from the sun. They are way more harmful than UV rays. They go in zigzag line. Anything struck by the deadly cosmic rays might get killed. The magnetic field is a force that protects the planet from deadly cosmic rays.

Name the person who discovered the cosmic rays?

Cosmic rays were discovered by Victor Hess in 1912.

Where can you find cosmic rays?

Through Milky way galaxy , most cosmic rays come from the Galaxy's disk.

Are cosmic rays part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

no they are not. NASA suggests that the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation does not include cosmic rays.

Are gamma rays stronger than cosmic ray?

Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, and they are the highest frequency form of that type of energy. They can be said to vibrate fastest. But cosmic rays are mostly protons, which are a form of particulate radiation. Comparing gamma rays to cosmic rays as regards frequency is not something we do.

Which waves has the highest frequency?

the answer is gamma rays

What are the sources of cosmic rays?

Any energetic event can produce cosmic rays, ranging from supernovae events to quasar jets.

Where are mesons found?

Cosmic rays ,,