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No. They release a lot.

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Q: Do crabs release only a few eggs each season?
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Do crayfish breed?

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Do hermit crabs go through live birth or eggs?

Hermit crabs lay eggs in the ocean.

Why do crabs lay more eggs than a chicken?

one reason is that crab eggs are smaller so take less energy each to produce

What is the larvaform of crab?

There is no larva stage for crabs, crabs are hatched from their eggs as little crabs.

How many babies do turtles have during breeding season?

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When do blue crabs mate?

Blue crabs produce eggs via which baby crabs arrive

Do fiddler crabs have eggs or live birth?

No, but they do lay eggs

What is meant by clutches when referring to the owl?

The eggs produced each season

When do female crabs lay eggs?


How many eggs do crabs lay?

Depending on the type of crab, it can lay from a few hundred eggs to a few million. For example, hermit crabs may lay up to 600 eggs, while blue crabs can lay up to 8 million eggs.

Who stays with the baby hermit crabs?

Hermit crabs are hatched from eggs, therefore there is no parental figure for the baby hermit crabs. Once the mother lays her eggs, she moves on (similar to turtles).

Do pet fiddler crabs have eggs?

yes they do have eggs because they are not mammals