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Yes, Being a criminal with Obessive Compulsive Disorder myself, I should know.

Added; It is VERY unlikely!

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Q: Do criminals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder clean up the crime scene?
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Related questions

What is the term for Psychotic behavior of being excessively clean?

A form of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

What is the name of the disease One who always wants to remain neat and clean?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

What is the meaning of O.C. of being clean?

O.C. stands for obsessive compulsive - an anxiety disorder about perfection, rules, organization, etc.

How do you spell you have to clean?

That is the correct spelling of "you have to clean."The psychological compulsion to clean can be a form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). When applied to inordinate personal hygiene, it may be called ablutomania.

Why would someone vacuum all the time?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can compel sufferers to repeatedly vacuum their homes, even when the carpet appears clean.

What is it called when you are obsessively neat?

obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) where the sufferer feels an obsessive need to clean and have everything neat and tidy. however not all forms are this severe, the person you are refering to may just be a perfectionist.

What is the name of the disease those who always want to remain or live neat and clean?

I believe you're thinking of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), which can be a part of numerous other psychological problems.

What is the name of a compulsive cleaner?

OCD - Obsessive Cleaning Disorder! :) Not really though, because their really isn't a name for a person who likes to clean a lot. They might have some REAL OCD, but either way, it works.

What is the definition of obsessive compulsive disorder?

Obsession Compulsive DisorderObsessive Compulsive Disorder, otherwise known as OCD is when someone is overly obsessive with some act, or task and such. It could be general: Like a clean houseColor coordinating clothesOr it could be specific: Washing you handsLocking a doorTo be "obsessive" refers to something that is done repeatedly, and habitually. Someone who washes their hands, 5x in an hour, every hour, everyday, then they have OCD. I believe you have OCD when your obsession corrupts your everday life. When ordinary operations take more time and effort, you're considered obsessive. However, it is a mindset that can be altered. It's curable, but it takes determination and desire to change. A process similar to smoking or overeating. I don't believe you are born with it because the youth don't seem to be victoms. Also, it's difficult to determine who is obsessive when we are a culturally oriented soceity where beauty and perfection scream at us left and right.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [OCD] is a type of anxiety disorder. OCD is characterized by distressing repetitive thoughts, images or pictures that are frightening, intense, absurd or unusual. These ritual actions, known as compulsions, help reduce anxiety caused by the individuals obsessive thoughts.

What are the symptoms of ablutomania?

Ablutomania, or compulsive bathing, is a rare mental health condition characterized by an obsessive need to bathe or clean excessively. Symptoms may include spending excessive time bathing, using an excessive amount of soap or other cleaning products, skin irritation from frequent washing, and interference with daily activities due to the need to bathe. Treatment typically involves therapy and medication to help manage symptoms.

What do you call people who loves to clean?

a neat freak a clean freak you know whatever

Is having to constantly clean a phobia?

Its not a phobia unless your scared of it. but it is kind of scary sometimes...definetly. ugh:(