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yeah it does affect there grades because they are too busy having sexual intercourse and forget about studying

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Q: Do crushes affect students grades
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Uniforms affect grades in high school?

They do affect grades. If the students are able to dress as they want, then they can be more focused and happy in school. If uniforms are in place, then they are focused but not happy. Therefore uniforms are not a bad thing but do not please the students.

Where does the apostrophe go in Ten students grades?

Ten students' grades were below passing.Ten students' grades had improved.Here grades is a plural common noun and needs no apostrophe.Students is a plural common noun. Students possess grades; therefore it needs an apostrophe.Ten students' coats were still in the closet.Ten students' voices were louder than the others.

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Tardiness does not necessarily make students get low grades, but it certainly does not help their grades, especially if they are tardy repeatedly.

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Yes. Gym, physical education, is as important as every other class.

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By being a source where students can chat to each other about homework, tests, etc,. and joining groups on FB related to various homework groups, classes, etc.

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Which software application can best help teachers determine their students' average grades?

A grading software such as PowerSchool or Infinite Campus would be ideal for teachers to calculate students' average grades efficiently. These platforms allow teachers to input grades, track progress, and generate reports to determine the average grades of their students.

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Early relationships can affect students' studies by causing distractions, emotional distress, and time management issues. When students are preoccupied with their relationships, they may lose focus on their academics, leading to lower grades and academic performance. It is important for students to find a balance between their relationships and their studies to ensure academic success.

Advise for young girls with crushes?

Keep them as crushes.. don´t date quite yet. enjoy life and enjoy being single! Get good grades and guys should come later after school is done..

Do students grades drop if their not in sports?

Not really....but if you decide to play a sport your grades get better