

Do daddy long legs come from the grass?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Do daddy long legs come from the grass?
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How do you stop daddy long legs coming out of the grass?

You don't. The crane fly (daddy long legs) larvae live underground by eating grass roots. The crane fly is totally harmless to humans and is valuable food for birds.

How did daddy long legs get its name?

The name daddy-long-legs beginning is unknown. It is suspected to have come from a book by Jean Webster about a girl in an orphanage whose benefactor is a tall man whom has long legs and she calls him Daddy Long Legs.

Do daddy long legs bit?

no daddy long legs dont bit.

When was My Daddy Long Legs created?

My Daddy Long Legs was created in 1990.

Are daddy long legs in Wisconsin?

Yes there are daddy long legs in Wisconsin.

How long is daddy long legs legs?

An adult daddy long legs will have segmented legs, that when stretched out would be about 5 to 6cm long.

Can a daddy long legs have a enemies?

of course the daddy long leg has enemies its enemy is other daddy long legs

How long is a daddy long leg's legs?

An adult daddy long legs will have segmented legs, that when stretched out would be about 5 to 6cm long.

How did the daddy long legs get its strange name?

The daddy long legs is named for its incredibly long legs, which are massive in comparison to its body.

Do daddy long legs hibernate?

Daddy long legs indeed do NOT hibernate, arachnids do not hibernate

Is the daddy long legs spider harmful?

actually they are the most poisonous spider in the world but their fangs are too small to bite a human being so the answer is a no. Daddy long legs are not poisonous. they're teeth aren't hollow, and they have no venom.

Is a daddy long leg a betel?

no. a daddy long legs is a spider