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Q: Do decomposers release oxygen into the air for animals to breathe?
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Related questions

Do plants and animals release carbon dioxide?

Animals breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

How does oxygen use by animals?

Animals breathe in oxygen in the air.

How come there is enough oxygen left over for animals to breathe?

animals breathe oxygen, as you know, and exhale carbon dioxide. plants, trees for example, take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. this is why there is plaenty of oxygen left for every living creature

What makes plants unique from animals in the food chain?

Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen; animals breathe in oxygen & breathe out carbon dioxide.

Why dont animals use up all the oxygen in the atmosphere?

Animals do not use up all the oxygen in the atmosphere because plants produce oxygen. When they breathe, plants inhale carbon dioxide (which is what animals breathe out) and exhale oxygen (which is what animals breathe in).

What do animals release to the atmosphere?

Just like us humans they breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Where do lugs get oxygen and release carbon dioxide to?

when you breathe in, you breathe in oxygen and when you breathe out, its carbon dioxide

What air do animals breathe?

Animals breathe a mix of gases including;NitrogenOxygenCarbon dioxideWaterArgon

How do plants and animals mantain the level of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Animals breathe in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Why are there no animals in outerspace?

There is no oxygen. Animals need oxygen to breathe. Plus, no food or water.

Does penguins breathe in carbon dioxide and lets out oxygen?

Penguins breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. They have this in common with all animals.

Animals role in the Ecosystem?

animals role in the ecosystem is to produce carbon dioxide(C02) and then the plants breathe the co2 in and produce oxygen that we breathe oxygen=animals breathe in co2 =plants breathe in co2 =animals breathe out oxygen = plants breathe out