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dentist do drill teeth on the first filling to get rid of it.

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Q: Do dentists drill teeth on the first filling?
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Related questions

How did dentists fix teeth before the invention of the electric drill?

Before the electric drill, dentists used chisels, or manual drills.

How dentist makes a fiiling?

well, first they drill the hole in your teeth (after giving you a shot to make your mouth numb), and then they put this yucky white stuff in your teeth, and i guess it then dries and becomes a filling.

What does the dentist do to you when you have to get your teeth drilled?

They will give you anesthetics, like a shot. That will make it so you don't feel anything. Then, they will drill the decay out of the tooth/teeth, then fill it with a amalgam or composite filling. Composite is tooth colored, amalgam is the typical silver looking filling.

What exactly do implant dentists do?

Implant dentists are also known as Cosmetic dentists who whiten your teeth, they can shape your teeth, apply veneers over your front teeth, implant missing teeth into your gums and jaw bone by screwing in a fake tooth, one at a time. Implant or Cosmetic dentists make your teeth look better.

Did George Washington lose his teeth due to cocaine?

No- cocaine was not a factor. In Washington's day little was known about how to prevent tooth decay and dentists did not know much of anything about filling teeth. Most people lost most of their teeth at an early age .

All about Dentists?

dentists are doctor's who help to make your teeth beautiful.

In what ways are cosmetic dentists different from regular dentists?

Cosmetic dentists usually just repair the teeth by removing or fixing the tooth. While a regualar dentists they do teeth cleaning and help you with any cavaities that you may have.

The main problem with teeth is?


Are dentists supposed to have white straight teeth?

yes. every dentist ever is suppose to have straight white teeth. if they do not, they are not real dentists

When you get a filling what do the dentist do?

Fillings are materials dentists use to seal cavities after they clean out the decayed part of the tooth. They are also used to repair broken or cracked teeth. Fillings protect, preserve your teeth from expanding decay; they will also alleviate the teeth from any pain associated with this decay.

What do dentists do in Northern Canada?

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