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Also other elements can be involved.

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Q: Do displacement reactions only occur between halogens?
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What happens when both chemicals are alkaline?

Displacement may occur, or if both are made up in water, displacement reactions may occur between the ions of water and each chemical may occur

What is the common way reactions occur?

Examples of chemical reactions: neutralization, thermal decomposition, synthesis, single displacement, double displacement.

The purpose of adding hexane to the aqueous solutions of halogens?

to indicate the changes of colour and to determine whether displacement of halogen occur

How do displacement reactions occur?

The easiest way to think about this is that one atom/compound pushes the other atom/compound out of the molecule.

Where do chemical reactions occur in electrochemical cells?

Chemical reactions occur between the electrolyte and the electrodes in an electrochemical cell.

What must be produced for a double-displacement reaction to occur?

A precipitate, water, or a gas must be produced for a double displacement reaction to occur.

Did halogens frequently occur in nature as free elements?

Yes, the halogens did occur in nature as free elements.

Where and how do halogens occur naturally?

Halogens occurs naturally as salts; an exception is HCl from volcanoes.

What are the 3 types of chemical reaction?

There are four types of chemical reactions: 1. Synthesis / Direct Combination: These chemical reactions occur where two or more substances react together to form just one product. 2. Decomposition: Decomposition reactions have just one reactant which breaks up to from two or more simpler products. 3. Single Displacement: Such types of chemical reactions occur when a more reactive element displaces a less reactive on from a solution its compounds. 4. Double Displacement: Double displacement chemical reactions involve the exchange of ions between two salts in aqueous solution.

What state of matter do halogens naturally occur in?

They do Occur in SOLID,LIQUID and GAS

What are Acid-base reaction?

Acid-base reactions are chemical reactions that occur only between an acid and a base. These are examples of single-displacement reactions. An acid is loosely described as something, whether it be an element or a compound, combined with hydrogen to form a (larger) compound. A base is loosely described as a compound or element combined with OH (Hydroxide). An acid-base reaction always yields H2O.

What isslight displacement or slipping of bonesas might occur between the carpals of the wrist?

gliding occurs there.