

Do dogs need baths

Updated: 11/16/2022
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11y ago

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Yes, it depends on a few variables though: after a day at the beach, I give my dog a bath, or if he rolls in something gross, or gets very sweaty. In the summer, once per week is pretty good, and in the winter, maybe only once per month. Not sure what other people do though..

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Q: Do dogs need baths
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some treats help dogs breath. Taking Baths are helpful!

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* about one time a day or one day a week!!!!

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The action seems unusual and different. Just as people are scared of the unknown, dogs are likely to be scared of it too.

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the smell of baths...just try to bathe your dog and watch him try to avoid it!

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While dogs don't require daily scrub downs like we do, they do need regular baths--but just how regular depends on several factors, such as the dog's environment and type of coat. Once a months works with most dogs.

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While dogs don't require daily scrub downs like we do, they do need regular baths which depends on several factors, such as the dog's environment and type of coat. This link,, consists of topics about Poodle's grooming.

What can dish soap be used for?

DAWN can be used to give dogs baths, really effective way to kill fleas in a instant!