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[1] Earthworms can make plants grow better, and possibly faster, by the improvements that they make to soil. They tunnel through soil, thereby opening up passageways for air, nutrients, and water. [2] They open up pore spaces for the passing of water, thereby improving waterholding and drainage in soil. [3] They eat and eliminate, thereby building up organic matter in soil. [4] They die and decay, thereby adding their body and body parts to the organic content of soil.

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15y ago
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10y ago

Earth worms aerate the soil by digging along and breaking it up. Also, they add organic material which can be used by the plants for food when they pass waste.

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14y ago

yes they are

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Q: Do earthworms make plants grow faster?
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How do earthworms help the Earth?

Common earthworms burrow deep below the surface. In burrowing, worms swallow large quantities of earth that often contain vegetable remains. They are able to digest the nutritive matter of the soil, casting out the remains. The casts excreted from the worm's digestive system make the soil more fertile. The earthworm's burrowing action continually moves mineral-rich soil to the surface, and improves drainage by aerating the soil.

How do earthworms decompose?

When you think of a web, you probably don't think of earthworms, do you? What comes to mind? A spider web? The World Wide Web? How about a duck's webbed feet? Well, there's another kind of web you might not know about. It's the soil foodweb. The soil foodweb is the set of organisms that work underground to help plants grow. There are billions of organisms that make up the soil foodweb. These include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods and earthworms. Each type of organism plays an important role in keeping the soil healthy for all living things.

Why are earthworms called nature's plowman?

Earthworms live in soil. They make little tunnels through the soil as they move around. They even eat the soil, and the soil that they excrete is very nutrient-rich. This soil is good for growing plants in. For these reasons, the earthworm is beneficial to garden soil, giving them the nickname "nature's plowman."

Why is an earthworm called a friend of the farmer?

Earthworms are very good for the soil as they fertilise it and dig tunnels. They fertilize it by their waste which is beneficial for the plant growth and the tunnels allow the oxygen and water reach the roots of the plants easily

How does vitamin B6 affect plant growth?

After doing a science experiment it showed to make the plant grow a little bit faster