



Gardening is a hobby that can be enjoyed inside or outside your home. There are many subtopics under the gardening topic you can ask questions about. Example: How to start and get organized in a particular garden project including watering,fertilizers,containers,equipment you will need to get started.

5,953 Questions

Is radish a root?

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It is a root vegetable; however has a considerably more particular peppery taste contrasted with turnips or beets. Radishes are connected with mustard seeds. All pieces of a radish — the bulbs, seeds, and leaf tops — are consumable.

Why do plant look green?

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Chlorophyll gives the plant a green color as it's not able to absorb the green wavelength of white light.

What is the function of the flower stalk?

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The flower stalk, also known as a peduncle, provides support for the flower, allowing it to be elevated for better visibility and pollination by insects. Additionally, it helps transport nutrients and water to the flower from the rest of the plant.

How many pumpkins do you get from 1 seed?

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On average, you can expect to harvest 3-6 pumpkins from a single pumpkin seed. However, factors such as growing conditions, care, and variety of pumpkin can influence the final yield.

How long does it take to grow hydroseed?

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Hydroseed typically germinates within 5-10 days, and grass can start to be visible within 10-14 days after seeding. However, it can take several weeks for grass to establish fully and fill in the area. Factors such as watering frequency, soil quality, and weather conditions can affect the growth time.

Is there a plant that turns red when stressed?

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Yes, plants like the Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya) and the Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura) can turn red when stressed. This stress can be caused by environmental factors such as a change in light levels or temperature. The red coloration is a response to the stress as the plant tries to protect itself.

Do you have to plant all the seeds from apple or do you plant them sepretely?

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Each apple seed has the potential to grow into a unique tree, so it's best to plant them separately to allow each seedling to thrive on its own. This also reduces competition for resources and increases the chances of successful growth.

How plant work?

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Plants use a process called photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy. This process involves absorbing water and nutrients from the soil through their roots, and carbon dioxide from the air through their leaves. Using chlorophyll, plants use sunlight to convert these raw materials into glucose, which they use for energy and growth, releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

How many liters of soil have one gallon?

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One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.78541 liters.

What is pumpkin seeds in Tamil?

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Pumpkin seeds in Tamil are called "பூசணி விதை" (Poosani Vithai) or "தயிர்க்காய் விதை" (Thayirkkai Vithai).

Can you plant seeds from last years pumpkins?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, pumpkin seeds can be saved from last year's pumpkins and successfully replanted. Make sure the seeds are fully dried before storing them in a cool, dry place until planting season. Be aware that cross-pollination with other varieties may affect the characteristics of the resulting pumpkin plants.

How much time and money does it take for a plant to grow?

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Asked by Wiki User

6 weeks to fifty years. I planted tomato seeds inside my home in a 5 gallon bucket in some good old Ga Red clay mixture. They grew well for two weeks and three times disappeared. After a month I found the pot has some big old white grub worms eating my plants. I didn't sterilize the soil used from my garden for that project.

i am trying to find out how longs does it take for a plant to grow

What are the objective of seed viability?

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The objectives of seed viability testing are to determine the germination potential of seeds, assess seed quality, predict seedling emergence rates, and ensure successful crop establishment and production. Testing seed viability helps growers to make informed decisions about seed storage, planting rates, and seed treatment strategies.

Which is a living material that might be found in soil?

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Earthworms are living organisms commonly found in soil. They play a vital role in soil health by breaking down organic matter and improving soil structure.

How far apart should you plant cantaloupe?

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Cantaloupe plants should be spaced 18-36 inches apart in rows that are 5-6 feet apart. This spacing allows the plants enough room to grow and spread while also maximizing air circulation and sunlight exposure.

Why do few plants produce seeds that germinate successfully underwater?

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Few plants produce seeds that germinate successfully underwater because most seeds are adapted to germinate in terrestrial environments where they have access to air, sunlight, and nutrients. Underwater conditions may lack the necessary conditions for successful germination, such as oxygen availability for respiration, proper light levels for photosynthesis, and lack of anchorage for the developing seedling.

Is it possible to plant a seed in a pot and let it grow under lamplight when it is still small?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible to plant a seed in a pot and let it grow under a lamp when it is still small. Ensure the lamp provides the right spectrum of light (usually full spectrum or grow lights), keep the light on for about 12-16 hours a day, and ensure the potting soil is well-draining and not kept too soggy. Rotate the pot regularly to prevent the plant from growing towards one direction.

How can you tell when daffodil seeds are ripe?

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Daffodils do not produce seeds from their flowers; instead, they produce seeds from their bulbs. Once the daffodil plant has finished flowering and the foliage has died back, the bulbs can be dug up to check if they have developed seeds. The seeds are mature when they are plump and firm.

Can organic potting mix be used to plant vegetables in a pot garden?

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Yes, organic potting mix can be used to plant vegetables in a pot garden. Make sure the potting mix is suitable for vegetables and contains essential nutrients for healthy plant growth. Regularly fertilize and water your vegetables according to their specific needs for a successful harvest.

What plants repel and attract gophers?

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Asked by Allianna4

Plants such as daffodils, castor beans, and gopher purge can repel gophers due to their strong scents or toxic properties. On the other hand, plants like poppies, thyme, and lavender can attract gophers because of their appealing fragrance and tasty roots.

Do you need to dry your pepper seeds before planting?

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Yes, it is recommended to dry pepper seeds before planting to reduce the risk of mold growth and improve germination rates. To dry the seeds, place them on a paper towel in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight for about a week. Once dried, store them in a cool, dry place until you are ready to plant them.

Do ferns choke other garden plants?

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Ferns typically do not choke other garden plants as they tend to have non-invasive root systems. However, they may compete for nutrients and water if they are planted too close together or in nutrient-limited soil. It is important to provide adequate spacing and resources for all plants in the garden to thrive.

Which gas is sometimes pumped into greenhouses to make plants grow faster?

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) is often pumped into greenhouses to help plants grow faster through the process of photosynthesis. Increased CO2 levels in the air lead to improved plant growth by enhancing the rate of photosynthesis, thus increasing plant productivity.

What is the highest point of a mushroom called?

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The highest point of a mushroom is called the cap or pileus. It is the top part of the mushroom that often has a distinct shape and color.

How long does it takes for the ginger to grow?

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It takes about 8-10 months for ginger to fully mature and be ready for harvesting. However, you can start harvesting small pieces of ginger from the plant after 3-4 months of growth.