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Q: Do electrolytes allow escape of hydrogen gas?
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Which planet has more of hydrogen and helium?

Jupiter has more hydrogen and helium gas because it has more gravitational pull than any other planet so it pulls almost every gas with a greater efficiency and does not allow to escape from its atmosphere,as in the case of earth gases like (hydrogen) tends to escape easily.

What is a gas lighting?

Usually the burning of natural gas in a fixture for safety and to allow light to escape.

How does electrolyzers use electrolytes to make water into gas?

Water is split into hydrogen and oxygen gas in a process called electrolysis in which an electric current is passed through water. Pure water conducts electricity very poorly, so adding electrolytes allows a small current to flow through the water easily. Hydrogen and oxygen gas then bubble up from the electrodes in the water.

What does the pop sound indicate when metals react with hydrochloric acid?

The escape of hydrogen gas

Why hydrogen gas collected by upward delivery?

Because hydrogen gas is less dense than air(mostly nitrogen and oxygen), and the less dense gas flows to go above the more dense(and escape the atmosphere).

Hydrogen gas plus oxygen gas?

Nothing, but if they are allow to burn water vapours are formed with explosion.

What test would allow you to know that a gas collected from an experiment was hydrogen?

Strong smell

What is hydrogen and hydrogen gas?

hydrogen and hydrogen gas are same hydrogen is gas

What is the name scientist give to the ingredient in your atmosphere that allows light and heat in but does not allow heat to escape?

biotonic gas

Can you run your engine only on Hyrdogen gas?

Not yet, but future technologies might allow hydrogen -only engines.

What gas is formed when hydrochloric acid and magnesium are mixed?

The reaction produces hydrogen gas as will most reaction between an acid and a metal.

Should you close your flue when using a gas fireplace?

No. The flue must be open to allow the carbon monoxide to escape from the house.