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No, cymatic images are typically created by sound waves causing vibrations in a medium like water or sand. Electromagnetic waves do not interact with these mediums in a way that would create the same visual patterns as cymatics.

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Q: Do electromagnetic waves create cymatic images?
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How or where can you find information about cymatic experiments but for electromagnetic waves?

"Cymatic" refers to sound waves and similar vibrations, not to electromagnetic waves. You can do some reading on electromagnetic waves - to get started, you might read the Wikipedia article - and then decide what similarities there are to sound waves.

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Electromagnetic waves are transferred by electromagnetic radiation.

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first of all electromagnetic waves are energy waves. and we call electromagnetic waves RADIATION.

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Electromagnetic waves.

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Electromagnetic waves transfer energy.

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The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic radiation. Light, radio waves and X-rays are a few other examples of this radiation phenomenon. The Transfer process is the "flow" of particles from one location to another. The best visual example is the transfer of "heat" from one source to another.

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