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electrons tend to go to the region of high potential because they are of negative charge.

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Q: Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential to region of lower potential?
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Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or of low potential?

Electrons tend to go to an area of low potential to high potential. This is because an area with high potential is more positive and the charge on an electron is negative.

Do electron tend to go region of high potential or of low potential?

Electrons would go towards high positive potential

Do electron tend to move a region of high potential or lower potential?

Electrons always move 4m a region of low potential 2 higher. While electrons move 4m negative 2 positive terminal they continuously gain energy as work is done on them by the positive terminal to attract them 2wards it. In this process an energy equal to the work done on the electrons ( by the positive terminal ) is gained by the electrons. That is y, as electrons cum closer to the positive terminal they hav high potential stored in them..The electrons, in order to attain this high potential flow 2wards the positive terminal of a battery wen connected in a circuit... Answered by - a 10th standard boy....:D...........

What is the difference between electron flow direction and electric current flow direction?

the electrons flow from the region of low potential to region of high potential. the electric current also flow in this direction but for convention we took it as the flow of positive charge from region of low to high region potential.

What is the defintion of osmosis?

The net movement of solvent molecules from a region of high solvent potential to a region of lower solvent potential through a partially permeable membrane

Do electron tends to go to region of high or low potential?

electrons are negatively charged so they tend to move towards the more positive charge which in this case would be high potential.

Do electrons tend to go to regions of high or low potential?

Electrons would go towards high positive potential

What is electricity sources?

Sources of electricity are areas of high electric potential. This means that the region/area has a net negative charge i.e. high number of free electrons. Electricity is created when these areas of high potential discharge their electrons into neighboring areas of lower potential because it is by definition the flow of electrons from high to low potentials. Most man-made electricity is created using some form of generator. Generators are devices that convert mechanical energy into electrical. Typically this is done by rotating high powered magnets inside tightly coiled copper wiring. The magnet essentially tears electrons off the copper atoms creating high negative potential within the wire. The resulting flow of electrons out of the generator through wiring to areas of less potential is electricity. In nature we see electricity when high negative potential builds within storm clouds because friction between water droplets tears electrons free. The negatively charged clouds discharge into the ground below in the form of lightening.

Why current flow from higher voltage to lower voltage?

Normal flow of electrons are from positive to a less negative potential. When a potential is applied meaning voltage electrons leave their orbit and move to another nucleus leaving at the same time a hole to be fill out by the next electron coming in. In essence electrons flow one way and holes flow in the opposite direction. It is possible to have -100v flowing into a -90v. electrons do not know what the potential can be raised to all they know is the differential potential of 10 v in this caseAnswerIt doesn't. If flows from a higher potential to a lower potential. Voltage means 'potential difference', which is quite different.A 'higher potential' is conventionally taken as meaning 'more positive', while a 'lower potential' is taken as meaning 'less positive'. The direction of conventional current (plus to minus), therefore, is from a higher potential to a lower potential.Electrons, on the other hand, move from negative to positive, so they move from a 'lower potential' to a 'higher potential'.

What is osmosis in terms of water potential?

The net movement of water molecules from a region of high water potential to a region of low water potential across a permeable membrane

What does electricity mean in science terms?

Electricity is the flow of electrons from areas of high potential to areas of low potential.

What does carry electrical currents?

An electric current carries electrons from an area of high potential to another area of low potential. Potential difference is the condition that must exist for a current to move electrons around.