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Yes, they do (since they have the same number of valence electrons).

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Q: Do elements in the same group share the same similar chemical properties?
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What is similar when elements have the same group?

Elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties.

Elements in a have similar chemical properties?

a group of elements that have similar properties are arranged one on top of the other on the periodic table. These groups are also called families

Which elements have similar chemical properties in sulphur and helium?

Sulphur and helium have entirely different properties. Sulphur has properties similar to group 16 elements. Helium has properties similar to group 18 elements.

What elements have similar chemical and physical properties.?

elements in the same group

Where are Elements with similar properties in the periodic table located?

Elements with similar physical and chemical properties are located in a group.

Do the elements in a group of priodic table have the similar chemical and physical properties?

The elements in a group have the similar chemical properties dueto presence of same no of electrons in their outermost shell but they differ physically because physical properties are related to their atomic sizes from top to bottom in a group atomic size increases so their physical properties also differ.

Which grouping indentifies chemical properties?

The group. Elements in the same group tend to have similar properties.

Which elements have similar properties on the periodic table?

The elements in the same groups usually do. Elements in the same group have same number of valence electrons and hence have similar chemical and physical properties.

Why do we say that elements within a group act alike?

The chemical elements in a group have similar properties.

Which elements have similar chemical and physical properties?

it is the ~group~ of the periodic table of elements

Elements that are in a vertical column in the periodic table that tend to share similar chemical properties and characteristics are called a?

The vertical elements are called groups. They have similar chemical properties.

Are elements with similar chemical properties found in the same group om the periodic table?

Yes, elements with same properties are found in same group. They have same chemical properties.