

Do employers acknowledge belford university degrees?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Employers acknowledge accredited college degrees. Belford is an accredited online college. However a college degree alone is not the guarantee of getting a job, most employers seek experienced and skilled person for the job.

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Q: Do employers acknowledge belford university degrees?
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Canadian universities and colleges usually accept any degree that is accepted in the United States. Belford is an accredited online university, so this means that the degrees awarded by Belford University are accepted in the United States. However, depending on where you are applying, your college may ask you to get your educational credentials verified from the university that issued them.

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Yes they do. It may depend on location and career type but I know where I live Kaplan has a GREAT reputation. Especially for the nursing program!

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Belford is offering recognition degrees for life experience and prior learning degree programs, these degree program (or any other degree programs) need to be legalized. The law does not issue licenses to legalize degrees.

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That's a rather vague question because all employers recognize all degrees.

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Most universities accept international degrees. However the procedure may differ from one country to another. Like for example, a Sri Lankan University may ask you to get your academic credentials verified by the university that issued them. Usually Sri Lankan Universities and UGC accept degrees issued by accredited US universities. Belford is an accredited online university which means their degree is accepted and recognized in the United States.

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Is belford university a fake?

It depends on where you live in and what your local laws are. In the US, colleges need to be accredited with educational agencies called accreditation bodies. A university with accreditation can legally reward degrees.

Do employers rate Online University degrees similar to regular University degrees?

"It depends. Most people who get regular University degrees have a higher job rate, but as of right now both online and regular are still employing the same amount."

Where is Belford University in the USA?

Belford is an online university with no physical campus. ----------------------------- The answer to your question can be easily looked up anywhere on the internet. It can also be found at your local library or looked up in an encyclopedia,.

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Corllins University is a diploma mill offering degrees up to PhD level.However, they do not have a valid accreditation and their qualifications will not be recognized by other schools, colleges, universities or employers. Their degrees are effectively worthless

How can you verify that Belford university degree has been recognized for immigration purpose?

I don't think that university degrees are a requirement to immigration. They could be an added benefit and I think that verification requirement will come a long time after you have lived in that country. Most universities gladly verify their academic credentials.