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Well there is probably a bit of magnesium found in all car engines, but at least BMW makes engines primarily out of the material in some cars.

So in short yes, yes they do.

Magnesium engine blocks if pure enough are dangerous to use with Nitrous!! DO NOT attempt to use a mostly magnesium engine with any sort of liquid/gas boosting system. If there is any chance that your liquid or gas boosting system will explode or catch fire (((oxygen-methylated fuels, propane, nitrous)) ABSOLUTLY do not pair it with a mostly magnesium engine. Aluminum magnesium engine blocks are fine, for i know of no aluminum type alloy that is more than 20 percent magnesium. Mostly magnesium alloys are a dead NO in the case of explosive flammable boosting gases or liquids. Magnesium burns brighter than the sun and that is by no means at all exaggerating, if you need to prove this to yourself just buy an old magnesium single-use camera flashbulb and "see" for yourself. Magnesium fires are one of the hottest fires, the only hotter temperatures fires come from certain thermite reactions, and a thermal lance!!

This is why VW stopped production of mostly pure magnesium rims; people at one time thought it was cool to set them on fire.

Magnesium fires release not only huge amounts of heat and light but blinding levels of UV light that can result in permanent blindness in a matter of minutes. A mostly magnesium engine block if set on fire could easily burn through a side walk, or a concrete over pass. No fire extinguisher will put out a magnesium fire, chemical, CO2 types also do not work.. Magnesium will even burn under water for a bit! The only way to put out magnesium fires safely are sands or soils. Magnesium tends to explode violently with water when on fire and could send chunks of 4000 degree material flying in all directions, burning right through you. If you are a doubting Thomas and want to tempt fate go to a science supply store buy some magnesium bar, heat until it catches fire and then grasp onto the burning rod it will burn through your skin instantly and carbonize your bones in your hand in seconds. Some people need direct evidence.

To be "silly" almost all water sources contain trace amounts of magnesium, hard water has even more magnesium, if your engine has water mixed with anti-freeze this fluid passes through your engine, thus you have magnesium in your engine in a technical way as well.

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