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Di namin alam.

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Q: Do environmentalists kill crown of thorns starfish?
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How do you kill crown of thorns starfish?

put a poison water snail on it :-)

Can starfish kill cats?

If a cat would eat starfish, it may kill him. As for a starfish attacking a cat and killing him, it would not happen.

When was Kill the Crown created?

Kill the Crown was created in 2020-12.

Can starfish kill you?

nope but they are awful upside down

Do they kill starfish for decorations or just collect dead ones?

They either make fake starfish for decorations or just go find one

How does the throne starfish kill the corals?

they eat them because one throne starfish can eat more than 40 square kilo metres in a year or coral

How do you beat the angler king in drawn 2 life?

You shoot him with starfish and kill the shadow fish.

When a starfish pries open the shell of a clam it often resists Even if the shell opens slightly the starfish gets its meal Why?

When starfish catch prey and get the shell cracked open they regergitate their stomach which releases enzymes to kill and liquify the prey. After it's liquified the starfish basically swallows its stomach along with its food.

What do crab and whales have in common?

because whales are very big and kill other animals and starfish dont kill people

How do you kill off rhubarb?

Just dig up the crown or root

How are humans a threats to starfish?

Pretty much all they do their whole lives is eat. They also move around and reproduce. They eat a super lot. That explains why they are fat.They can move, and they eat dead and decaying things to clear the water, and stop alge from growing over and killing sponges and coral reefs.Starfish can eat sponges(like Spongecake Smartypants).They also like to fly up above the clouds and dig tunnels.The most common starfish is Patric.He can kick sky capers and he likes to stay up all night watching tv and pla

On what do starfish feed?

Starfish have two stomachs and they like to feed on things such as oysters, mussels, and clams. Some of them will scavenge for dead or dying fish on the ocean floor.