

Do enzymes help in making fruit juices?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Yes - It separates the cells of the fruit by breaking down Pectin which holds the cells of the juice together.

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this is un help ful do not use

How can companies use enzymes to make te maximum amount of juice from fruit?

Companies can use enzymes to make the maximum amount of juice by using the enzymes to help speed the ripening process of the fruit. The more ripe the fruit is the more juice it will produce.

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No, because digestive juices, though relatively mild in an infant's stomach, should be what aid digestion, not enzymes in breast milk.

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Fruit juices contain electrolytes which help the conduction of electricity. A fruit which is very acidic like a lemon will contain more ions which allow the conduction of electricity. This is very general but it's a start

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What are the health benefits of drinking fruit juices?

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Is hydrochcloric acid a stomach acid?

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