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They've been known to.

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Q: Do fake teeth glow under a black light?
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Do fake diamonds glow under a black light?

Some yes, some no. Note that a black light is not a valid test for a diamond.

How do bars distinguish a fake id?

There are a few different ways to tell if an ID is fake. First is under a black light. Second is the colors and the positions of the states images. Some IDs also have built in watermarks which make it harder to fake.

Pustiso in English?

It's like FAKE TEETH :)) , putting it on your gums with the fake teeth is like you have a real teeth XD

Does Andy clemmensen have fake teeth?

He has 4 fake front teeth, cos' he was in a car accident when he was 13

Who had fake teeth George Washington or aberaham Lincoln?

George Washington had fake teeth. They were made of materials such as human teeth, animal teeth, and ivory. Abraham Lincoln, on the other hand, did not have fake teeth, but he did wear dentures later in life.

How do you fake to die in black ops?

Look up under cheats/ codes, and that's where you'll find your cheat code on how to fake die.(:.

Difference of real and fake money?

real money is almost allways crisp real money if you hold it to a black light a line will glow real money will not smuge if a little water is on it now for fake money fake will sometimes feel like plain paper fake money is ussaly less detalied fake money if printed by a docucolor hold it up to a black light it will have in yellow the serial number of the printer im not sure about all of these but they are good

Is plies teeth fake?

Hell yeah.

Where is Warden in Pokemon Yellow?

he is in fuchsia city on the right of the pokécenter. You have to get his fake teeth before you can actually talk to him, the fake teeth should be in the safari zone.

How do get fangs?

You can either get your teeth shaved into vampire-looking teeth, or wear fake ones.

Which founding father might have needed fake teeth?

George Washington and he had wooden teeth

Why are flora Baumbachs smiles fake?

Her teeth are capped.