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not usally. only if lioness refuses to mate or does something bad

Injured and incapable of hunting females are denied food and eventually get thrown out of the pride.

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Q: Do female lions get chased out of prides?
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Do mountain lions live in prides?

No, mountain lions are solitary animals unless it is a female with cubs. They do not live in prides as do the African lions.

What is a tiger's pride?

Tigers don't live in a pride, they tend to be more solitary hunters. Lions, on the other hand, live in prides.

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Tigers do not live in prides. Except for a female with cubs, they are solitary animals.

Do male lions have to compete to win the female lions heart?

Once males have control over the pride, they mate with any females that are in heat, fights are rare in controlled prides. Only when new males try to take over prides are there any fighting.

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What can be found in prides?

a group of lions

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Cheetahs do not form prides like lions do. Female cheetahs are solitary, prefering to hunt alone, and only associating with males for mating. Male cheetahs sometimes will hunt together.

How do lion live?

Lions live in groups of about 12 to 15 lions. These groups are called prides and consist of either one or two male lions. The rest of the pride consists of related female lions and their young cubs.Lions live in large social groups called prides. Usually there is one (sometimes two) male lions and the rest are all females from the same family with their offspring. Lions eat most things so they can survive.

Describing a female lion?

A female lion appears to the casual observer like a male lion, apart from not having a large mane. The female lions do most of the prides hunting and also care for their young.

What is the species name for the African Lion?

The Species Name is Panthera Leo. Lions are Apex Predators that live in prides. The pride has one or two Male Lions and many female lionesses and cubs.

Why do lions live in solitary?

Lions are generally not solitary but live in groups called prides.

How lion getting foods?

Lions live in prides. The pride is headed by one or two male lions with many female lions and cubs. The female lions do bulk of the hunting for the pride. However in case of large prey like a water buffalo or a giraffe, the males too take part in the effort to bring down the prey