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Most female birds regardless of species will lay eggs when they feel like it. Mating is not required.

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Q: Do female quail lay egg even without mating?
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Hi, Cats will not mate if either male or female is not in heat. (Males in heat just simply means looking for a mate.) Only if both of them are in heat will the mating process begin. Then again, the male and female might not like each other. It is rare that this affects the mating process, but the female has to submit to the new mate's love-bite. Some females bully the males, which of course, makes the male avoid the female. However, if both cats are in heat, and both cooperative, the mating process should go just fine. Of course, you can't force the cats to mate, but occasionally, males can get a little picky about the females. Hope this helped.

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i do know you've gotta be kidding... legendaries cant mate, they don't have genders! even if they can mate, the pair that ur mating, the Pokemon is always the same kind as the female. unless you had a female legendary, theres no hope.

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maybe if the female dog comes in contact with a male dog then it should take no time at all for the females eggs and the dog sperms to come to gether but after the two dogs have sex you should take your female dog to the doctors to get the dog checked out to see if it is pregant.

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