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Q: Do fish oil clean your system of THC?
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Does red bull get THC out of your system?

No it can't cuzz THC stay in you fat. If wanna get THC out just work out alot and drink fish oil 2000mg every 12 hour for at least 3-5 day

How long does it take for THC to get out your body with 2 fish oil pills?

Just as long as it would if you hadn't taken them.

How do you clean up an oil spill on fish world?


How do people clean up oil from the sea after an oil spillage?

it ussalt takes about 5 years to make it completely clean of oil... and they clean out the water by water pump ship that clean out the water. as for the dead fish they have other boats net them out of the water...

Will niacin pills flush your system of THC in 2 to 3 days while drinking gallons of water?

No. Water does not help remove THC from your system, and niacin does not help clean any drug out of your system, at all. THC is fat-soluble. It is stored in your body's fat cells. Since fatty substances are not water-soluble (remember what happens when you mix oil and water) drinking water does nothing to help remove THC from your body. And niacin is utterly useless for the purpose of drug cleansing. You'd have more luck trying to clean your system with gummi bears and leprechaun tears. For daily marijuana smokers, it takes 2 to 6 weeks, or a month on average, for your urine to be clean. For occasional smokers, the timeframe is more like 2 weeks to one month. For more detailed information, see the Related Questions below.

What are facts about oil spill?

The oil spill kills millions of species of fish and birds and poisons their natural habitat.It costs millions to clean up after an oil spill.

How long does THC oil stay in your system?

Several months because your hair and fat cells still will have the drug.

Can fish oil get cannabis out of your system?

Yes but you have to take 2000mg

Is there more THC in marijuana than hash oil?

No, hash oil is much, much more potent than marijuana. Good weed has at least a 10% THC content, and the most potent weed on earth has around a 30% THC content. Hashish has about a 20% to 40% THC content, and hash oil has about a 70% THC content.

How do you clean oil spills on Fish World on Facebook?

All you need to do is click on the spill and it will go away.

How long does hash oil stay in system?

I guess I would have to say because it's concentrated THC, just as long as marijuana would stay in your system. About 6 months from when you did it.

Does hemp food products give you positive drug test saliva or urine testing?

Hemp has an extremely low THC content and can not get a person high. So, unless you've been eating nothing but food cooked in hemp oil every day, it shouldn't be a problem. To eliminate any risk of THC in your system in the future, try using hemp seed oil for your cooking instead. It contains no THC.