

Do flamingos make nests

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do flamingos make nests
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penguins and flamingos i think

What type of nest do flamingo s have?

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Female Betta fish do not make bubble nests.

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Giraffes don't make nests, they give birth on the spot.

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Flamboyance means bold, brilliant, showy, which describes how flamingos can look. A group of flamingos is called a flock.

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Insects make their nests out of different materials - each insect species tends to make the same sort of nest, but across species the nests are all different

How can a flamingo keep warm?

well you wouldn't want to go near a mother only in zoo because they are tamed even if mother isn't with children it will still attack because flamingos are very dumb. even when their kids die, they think they're still in their pouch. Yes, flamingos are part marsupial.

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Penguins that make nests -- not all penguins make them -- form them from stones that the males can pick up and carry in their bills.