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Yes, flies have exoskeletons. Flies are arthropods and all arthropods have an exoskeleton. More than 90% of creatures on earth are arthropods.

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11y ago

yeah they do have one

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Q: Do flies have exoskeletons
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Insects do not have bones, they have exoskeletons, these are rigid external shells with their soft tissues inside.

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No, the don't. For example, crabs have exoskeletons.

Do flys have exoskeletons?

Yes, all insects have exoskeletons.

Do insects have exoskeletons?

Insects have exoskeletons for both protection and structural support.

Do insects have endoskeletons?

No, insects have exoskeletons, which are hard, external skeletons that provide support and protection. These exoskeletons are made of a material called chitin.

Does coral have Exoskeletons?

Yes, coral does have exoskeletons made of calcium carbonate. These exoskeletons provide structure and support for the coral polyps, which are tiny organisms that secrete the calcium carbonate to build the coral reefs. Over time, these exoskeletons accumulate and form the large coral reef structures we see in the ocean.

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Yes, they do have exoskeletons. Exoskeletons are hard outer shells that protect and support the body.

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What does exo mean in the word exoskeletons?

"Exo" means external or outer in the word exoskeletons. Exoskeletons are rigid external coverings found in certain animal species that provide support and protection.

Do slugs crabs shrimp starfish and jellyfish have exoskeletons?

Crabs and shrimp have exoskeletons. Slugs, Starfish and Jellyfish do not.

Are exoskeletons vertabraes?

not realy. I think that Vertebrates are backbone or spinal columns and Exoskeletons are kind of like the shells of insects