

Do flowers have DNA

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Yes, they do, almost all living cells (maybe only one or two exceptions, like red blood cells) contain DNA.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Yes, everywhere. All cells in the plants contain DNA.

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Flowers have phenotypes because all living organism has a definite shape and color. It is also seen in other living organism. It is only the expression outwardly of the genes in the DNA.

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Flowers get their colors from pigments called flavonoids and carotenoids that are produced in their petals. These pigments absorb certain wavelengths of light, giving the flowers their distinct colors. Other factors like pH levels, temperature, and genetics also influence flower color.

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The Kinds Of Flowers are Gumamela flowers,

How is DNA tested and why?

by DNA fingerprinting method , DNA-DNA hybirdization or DNA sequencing. to know the sequence of DNA

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red flowers , blue flowers jungle flowers

How do you use flowers in possessive form?

The possessive form of the plural noun flowers is flowers'.Example sentence: The flowers' prices are very reasonable. (the prices of the flowers)

What is the difference between plants with flowers an plants without flower?

the plants without flowers HAVE no flowers ! and the plants with flowers DO HAVE flowers :P

What checks DNA for error?

DNA fingerprinting

How many flowers are in Haiti?

Haiti does not have anyone that counts all the flowers. Hibiscus is common but there are orchids, bird of paradise, orange flowers, lime flowers, lantana, mango flowers, avocado flowers, and coffee flowers. There are over 5,200 different plants but not all have flowers.