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Q: Do folders directly contain data
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What can Mac OS X folders contain?

anything, even other folders.

How and why files and folders are essential in preserving data and information Read more?

how and why files and folders are essential in preserving data and information

How and why files and folders are essential in preserving data and information?

How and why files and folders are essential in preserving data and information Read more

What are the different type of folder?

There are two types of folders: • Container Folders, which can only hold or contain other folders (sub-folders). They are usually used for organizing the content. • Application Folders, which contain applications such as chat, files, images, calendar, HTML pages, and so on.

Can A file contain files directories and folders?

A file cannot (in general) contain other files or folders in the traditional sense. A zip or other archive file can contain other files or folders and a document file can have a file in it as an embedded object, but these are special applications.

Is there a difference between a file and a folder?

If a file is analogous to an apple, then a folder is analogous to a box of apples. It can contain apples, or even other boxes of apples.Answer:All the data on your hard drive consists of files and folders. The basic difference between the two is that files store data, while folders store files and other folders. The folders, often referred to as directories, are used to organize files on your computer. The folders themselves take up virtually no space on the hard drive. Files, on the other hand, can range from a few bytes to several gigabytes. They can be documents, programs, libraries, and other compilations of data.

What is the differences between file and folder?

* Folders are where "files" are kept. * Files are saved to "folders".

Can a folder contain a directory and a file?

A folder is a directory. Folders can be inside other folders, and so can files...

Can a folder only contain files?

You can have both files and folders in other folders. Sometimes they are referred to as sub-folders to indicate that they are inside another one.

What is meant by Actuate Encyclopedia Volume and what is its significance?

The volume is where your reports are stored. You need to understand that a volume can also contain many "folders" which are tied to separate database schemas. Think of an encyclopedia volume as a reports database, and the folders as database schemas, and you begin to understand how Actuate is organizing your reports, metadata, and Actuate system data. -C The volume is where your reports are stored. You need to understand that a volume can also contain many "folders" which are tied to separate database schemas. Think of an encyclopedia volume as a reports database, and the folders as database schemas, and you begin to understand how Actuate is organizing your reports, metadata, and Actuate system data. -C

What is a Filing cabinet used for in an office?

Filing cabinets contain file folders, and file folders contain various types of papers. By placing papers in file folders and then placing the file folders in filing cabinets, it becomes much easier both to store the papers and to locate them when you need them (as long as your files are in order).

Which of the following folder is not subject to a folder redirection policy?

Recycle Bin. The folders that are, are the Documents, Start Menu, Desktop, and Application Data folders.