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Q: Do french children spend more time in school than the children in te UK?
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What do French children do in school?

French children have alot more lessons than us in school so they have a more boring day than us. But they study the same subjects we do.

How old does a french child Start school?

In France, kids start very early : school starts at age 2 (for 52% of children) or 3 (for almost 100%) and children spend 2 or 3 years in kindergarten. School is compulsory until age 16. In primary schools, French kids spend more hours a year (more than 900, like Italy and the Netherlands) than other European countries (less than 700 for Austria, Germany and Finland).

What caused more children to spend less time working in factories?

new laws required children to attend school

How old does a child start school?

In France, kids start very early : school starts at age 2 (for 52% of children) or 3 (for almost 100%) and children spend 2 or 3 years in kindergarten. School is compulsory until age 16. In primary schools, French kids spend more hours a year (more than 900, like Italy and the Netherlands) than other European countries (less than 700 for Austria, Germany and Finland).

How can you prove that you are the more suitable parent for your children to live with?

Provide the court with evidence that the children spend more time with you, that you are the one who helps with homework, helps them get ready for school, attends school conferences, PTO meetings and school functions. Provide evidence that you take the children to doctors appointments and trips to the dentist and that you always spend quality time with them when you aren't working and they aren't at school. Show the court that you are deeply and actively involved in their daily life. Show that you are able to provide a more stable home

Why is school supervision important?

School Safety is important because children spend a third or more of their day in school away from their families. If they are not safe, they will be removed by their parents and will not be educated unless their parents can manage home schooling.

What days do french schoolchildren go to school?

French children go to school on Mondays-Tuesdays, Wednesdays (morning only until you go to high school), Thursdays and Fridays. In high school there may be classes on Saturday mornings. More and more primary schools run a four-day schedule, meaning that the children have no more class on wednesdays; but as the number of hours in class per year are the same, that means shorter holidays.

What do French children study in high school?

different types of schools in UK. study German English and many more but french study 12x harder than the UK :)

Do working parents spend more time with their children then before?

Some working parents may spend more time with their children than they did before they worked, but some parents may have less time for their children.

How do we say everybody is fine i will complete school in April and i want to spend my holidays at your place to gain a little bit experience before i continue my school in french?

everybody is fine i will complete school in April and i want to spend my holidays at your place to gain a little bit experience before i continue my schoolRead more: How_do_we_say_everybody_is_fine_i_will_complete_school_in_April_and_i_want_to_spend_my_holidays_at_your_place_to_gain_a_little_bit_experience_before_i_continue_my_school_

Should kids spend more time in school?

Yes, Kids should spend more time in school because your kid will thank you when he graduates from college and gets a job.

What caused more children to spend less time working factories?

Education. Because most of the children had begun schooling hence spent less time working in factories.