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it changes overtime with constant movement and change in rotation

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How do you explain how rocks change over time?

Pen15 thats what.

Why isn't the look-back time important among nearby galaxies?

Galaxies change very slowly.

How did the universe change over time?

the universe is constantly expanding, new stars and galaxies are coming into existence, and old stars are dying.

Do galaxies change with the seasons because earth is traveling around the sun?

Which ones are visible at what time of day does. The galaxies themselves don't.

How does the traditional theory of the formation of the galaxy explain the origin of globular clusters?

Cluster's form because gravity gradually builds a center of mass which over time accumulates more and more matter which can explain the formation of galaxies as well as globular clusters.

Why aren't all the galaxy's the same?

No. Galaxies vary greatly in size, mass, shape, and number of stars.

The numbers of galaxies in the universe seems to be about?

We have no idea. Every time we invent a better telescope, we discover that there are 100 times more galaxies than we previously believed. There is no expectation that this will change any time soon.

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The theory of evolution by natural selection. It explains evolution; the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Why organisms change over time in differing environments.

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