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It depends on the medium it is travelling though. In the vacuum of space, they travel at the same speed (c, the speed of light in vacuum). In air or water, the X-rays tend to just "rip" through the air at c... and get absorbed. Radio waves tend to propagate through the air at less than c, and keep on moving for long distances. Water tends to dampen and absorb both waves after just a few tens of meters (much less for x-rays) of travel path. It is not always the same event that triggers both x-ray and radio wave emissions. The processes generating both are sometimes offset in time. As a simile, the flash of lightning actually preceeds the bang of thunder, the neutrons from a supernova are emitted before the first detectable flare of a star shedding matter, and so on.

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9y ago

No. The speed of all electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum is constant, that is, the speed of light.

Their frequency is much higher though, which makes them higher energy and more damaging to be exposed to. For example, if two guns were shot at a target, and both guns shot bullets at the same speed, but one gun shot 1 bullet per second (microwaves) and the other shot 5 bullets per second (x-rays). The bullets are traveling the same speed but the second gun would do more damage to the target in a much smaller span of time.

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11y ago

Light waves and radio waves travel faster then sound waves.

It has been know for thousands of years that you can see something happen in the distance before you hear it happen.

Radio waves and light waves are both electromagnetic waves and both travel at the speed of light.

The speed of a Radio wave is same as of Light and it is 3X108 meter /sec while sound travels with speed of 300 m/sec.

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13y ago

No. Both are electromagnetic waves, the only difference being their frequency

(wavelength). Their speeds are identical, and it's same as the speed of ultraviolet

light, heat, infrared radiation, and visible light of all colors.

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13y ago

No - both are forms of electro-magnetic radiation, so they travel at the same speed in the same medium, if the medium is permeable to them both.

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14y ago

No they do not. They both travel at the speed of light since they are both part of the electro-magnetic spectrum.

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11y ago

No. All forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at the same speed.

We usually call that speed "the speed of light".

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Q: Do gamma rays or radio waves travel faster?
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Gamma rays faster than radio waves?

No. Gamma rays and radio waves are both electromagnetic waves and travel at the same speed. They just have different wavelengths/frequencies.

Which is faster gamma waves or radio waves?

Both are forms of electromagnetic energy and travel at the same speed, which is the speed of light.

Which type of wave travels faster gamma or radio?

The same. Both are electromagnetic waves; in a vacuum, they both travel at the speed of light.

Answer for radiation from gamma to radio waves?

Gamma rays are very high energetic rays whereas radio waves are very weak in strength. However, radio waves can travel far distances and have large wavelength. Radio waves have large application in the field of telecommunication.

What is the objective of travel faster radio waves or sound waves?

sound waves

Do gamma particles travel fastest?

Gamma particles are photons - or electromagnetic waves. They travel at the speed of light; nothing can go faster than that.

Which travels faster radio waves or microwaves?

-- Microwave ARE radio waves.-- All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed, including radio, microwaves,heat, infrared radiation, light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, gamma rays, and allthe others.

Why do radio waves travel faster than the sound wave?

Radio waves are just low frequency light waves. They travel at the speed of light, much faster than sound waves which are just changes in pressure traveling in waves

In a vacuum gamma rays travel at the same speed as radio waves?

Yes, in a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves, including gamma rays and radio waves, travel at the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. This is a fundamental property of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum as dictated by the laws of physics.

Radio and gamma rays are two types of what kind of waves?

Radio and gamma waves are two types of electromagneticwaves.

The electromagnetic waves with the highest frequencies are called?

The electromagnetic waves with the highest frequencies are called gamma rays. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest energy levels among all types of electromagnetic radiation.

Does light travel as a particle or a wave?

Light exhibits properties of both particles and waves. It behaves like a wave in phenomena such as interference and diffraction, while also behaving like a particle in phenomena like the photoelectric effect. This duality is described by the wave-particle duality principle of quantum mechanics.