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Yes gases have the same dissolving rules like solids. Gases just like solids are made up of tiny particles called molecules. When gases are subjected under intense pressure and heat they usually dissolve just like the solids.

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Q: Do gases have the same dissolving rules like solid?
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I think they thought solid liquid and gases were something like example water fore some thing like that check it up on Wikipedia there the best they have everything and you wont have to go asking around people and waiting for an answer.

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How do you keep xenon in the liquid state?

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How can you describe dissolving?

like melting

Does Neptune have mountains?

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Can gases turn into liquid or solid?

The short answer is either. Carbon dioxide when it is frozen is a solid, it does not have a liquid state. Many other gases would become liquid under pressure, like lighter fuel in a cigarette lighter or gas in a calor gas container.