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Well, if it makes you uncomfortable, just adjust yourself, ignore it or walk away if it bothers you.

And remember: You're the only ones that know about it! Don't freak out because he's probably more embarrassed about it than you are. Have fun young couples!

Oh, and FYI, there's a 97% chance that a guy is going to get an erection while grinding with a girl. I'm not joking.

I agree and I am a guy and it is our way of saying you turn us on.

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Do you like it when a dog humps your leg? "Grinding" is just jacking off by using your girl - like a dog humps on your leg. Most girls don't like being used as a masturbation tool, so ask before you hump your girl's leg. so probably no

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Q: Do girls like it when a guy has an erection while grinding?
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Is it acceptable to get an erection while freak dancing or grinding?

yes its completely natural and in my expierience girls take it as a compliment Grand Pa Stop that Freak Dancing!!!! *** Does it happen yes, any friction on the penis can result in an erection. Is it acceptable, I guess that depends on the context. If you are rubbing up against people to get erections it is called Frottage. Engaging in this behaviour in an inappropriate setting or when someone has expressed a distinct "no" to participating in it with you can be considered sexual assault. However, in the setting of a "freak dance" involuntary erections will happen and are nomally acceptable until the individual you are rubbing against says other wise.

How does grinding feel like?

it feels like a handjob for a guy accept with the girls butt. and for girls you just feel horny.. lol

Do girls like grinding?

kinda but theyll let you know when your on the dance floor.

What is the fastest way to get an erection?

different guys have different sexual triggers. i like to see big breasted women. other men may just see hot girls or naked girls. some even have to touch themselves for a while.

How do you hide an erection when grinding?

You can try adjusting your positioning to create more space between yourself and your partner, focusing on something non-sexual or distracting to shift your attention, or briefly excusing yourself to make adjustments. Remember, it's a natural response and nothing to be ashamed of.

Do girls like grinding as much as guys?

Yeah.....why do you think they do it. It makes penetration deeper and what not. Its not rocket science....

What does it mean if while grinding like dancing at a party the girl you're grinding with takes your arms and wraps them around her?

nothing if she's drunk.

You don't like both guys and girls are you gay?

You are A-sexual, you are not attracted to anything, unless their is something that gives you an erection.

When a girl and a guy are grinding would the guy like it if the girl grabbed his penis while they were grinding?

Yes - or, really, it depends on how hard you "grab". You might want to tell him in some way so he is expecting it.

Do guys like girls with a slight build?

Not all girls like men with a slight built. Some girls like skinny guys while some others like big guys. Girls have different tastes in men as men do in girls. Girls r hot XD

What are the two methods of making stone tools?

The two methods of making stone tools are knapping, which involves striking stone to create sharp edges, and grinding, which involves using abrasion to shape and finish the tool. Knapping is typically used for making tools like arrowheads and blades, while grinding is used for tools like axes and grinding stones.

What is the rattle in a car when the gear stick is wobbled fom side to side while in neutral and the engine is off?

It is the sound of the gears grinding against each other. Because it is at a high speed, it sounds like a rattling instead of a grinding.