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Q: Do goldfish pectoral fin grow back after being torn or eaten by another fish?
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How do you stop the goldfish eggs being eaten after birth?

you remove either the adults are eggs from the location and put them in another tank.

Goldfish is getting eaten by other goldfish?

The only time a goldfish is eaten by another goldfish is when the parents breed and they have eggs.The eggs hatch then the parents eat them because they mistake them for lava or something.if ur fully grown gold fish is eating another fully grown golfish then its not a goldfish at all!!!!!!!!CHECK FOR THE BREED in other cases.

Will an eel eat your goldfish?

If the goldfish is small enough for the eel to swallow, then you can confidently expect your goldfish to be eaten.

What happens to a goldfish if they lay eggs and their is no male goldfish in the tank?

The eggs won't be fertilized, and will not hatch. It is almost impossible to sex a goldfish, but generally, males may be a little less egg shaped than females. Males develop white spots on their pectoral fins and gills (do not confuse this with white spot- also known as Ich ) at the age of sexual maturity, which is about 1-2 years of age. Unless you put all of the adult goldfish that are currently in you tank into another tank, the eggs will probably be eaten by the parents within a few hours.

Do goldfish have around 100 eggs after breeding?

yes, but some of them will get eaten by the adult goldfish.

Do goldfish eyes grow back after being eaten by another fish?

No they do not. Goldfish can regrow fins just as you and I can regrow hair or finger nails and also like us they can not regrow organs like eyes

When should you put a unite a baby goldfish with its parents?

They will not recognise or know one another as being related in any way. The young fish can be added to the community when they are too big to be eaten by the largest fish otherwise they will be gobbled up in no time. Just remember that 1 Inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water.

What is a food chain that involves humans?

A food chain that includes humans could be grass gets energy from the sun, the grass is eaten by a rabbit, then the rabbit is eaten by a hawk, and then the hawk is eaten by a fox, and then the fox is killed and eaten by a human, and then later the human dies, and is broken down and absorbed by the grass for nutrients and the cycle continues. Another example could be algae gets energy from the sun, the algae is then eaten by a goldfish, and then the goldfish is eaten by a trout, and then the trout is eaten by a bass, and then the bass is eaten by a marlin and then the marlin is eaten by a shark and then the shark is caught and eaten by a human and then later in time the human dies and is broken into nutrients into the ground.

Can you release your goldfish into the wild?

No.The`ll Be Eaten Right Away.Dont Do It

Can goldfish and shrimp be together?

no never put suckerfish with goldfish as they will suck the slimes and scales off the goldfish and kill them. as for shrimp, i dont know???

What happends if your newborn guppy gets eaten by goldfish?

It goes though the goldfishes stomach and is eaten and comes out in poop in the next 2days

What is the difference between milk fish and goldfish?

Milkfish can be eaten. It is one of the staple fish in the Philippines. Goldfish is a fish for aquariums also ideal for pets