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technically gorillas no so that's traveling. And they would have to TRAVEL from one spot to another to get food. So yes

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Q: What characteristic is gorillas travel many miles for food?
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What food do gorillas gets in its place?

Gorillas eat flowering fruits but the Gorillas that only it these are the one from western and eastern lowlands

How do gorillas need to survive?

Social skills are one of gorillas' most important survival skills. They alert each other when there is danger, work together to find food and are more intimidating to predators while in groups.

How does a Mountain Gorilla obtain its food?

Gorillas eat fruits, leaves, and seeds. Gorillas get their foods by foraging for it in the area where they live. Gorillas usually do not have to travel far to find food.

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Where do gorillas eat berries?

Where they find them. Gorillas are not known to gather food to bring with them and eat later.

What is a gorillas activity?

searching for food and shelter

How do zookeepers entertain gorillas?

by giving them food