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No they do not. They wash them selves. Otherwise if they dont wash them selves you can put a basin of luke warm water beside u and put water on your hands and wash them your self they dont like to be put in big amounts of water

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Q: Do guinea pigs like having baths?
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Do guinea-pigs like baths?

Probably not.

Are guinea pigs ok in baths?

yes if you are lonely

Do guinea pigs like to have baths?

Some guinea pigs will struggle when being bathed but ignore unless squeaking or in pain! Others enjoy being in water and can even swim!

Are the guinea pigs with odor?

no don't listen to any one i have 3 guinea pigs and they don't stink at all they smell good but you have to give them baths

How long is a guinea pigs memory?

A guinea pig's memory is long enough to remember who you are, (the hand that feeds it) and what you smell like. Guinea pigs will also remember things they dont like/do like. (eg, if they dont like baths, they will freak out once theyve figured out they're getting one. etc)

Are you supposed to give your guinea pigs baths cause everyone i knwo says i shouldent?

You should only give a guinea pig a bath if it is dirty of really smelly. Guinea pigs should only have at the most 4 bathes a year because any more would be bad for them. Having a bath strips the guinea pigs skin of it natural oils.

Do ginie pigs like taking baths?

Some guinea pigs love baths, and some are terrified to have their feet in water. My guinea pigs bathed sooner in life so they get used to it. They can swim now! To see what their reaction to water is, fill your sink or tub a half an inch high. NEVER teach them to swim untill you get more info. Good luck!

Are guinea pigs almost hamsters?

Kinda they are more like dogs because you have to walk them and give them baths and trim there nail's the arnt really

How do guinea pigs have a hardtack?

Guinea pigs can have heart attacks by eating to much unhealthy food like us! But if your concerned about your guinea pig having a heart attack i recommend you to take your guinea pig to the vet!

What does cooked guinea pig look like?

Bruned guinea pigs and dead guinea pigs.

When guinea pigs get sick can you give them a bath?

No. Guinea pigs do not need baths. The bathe themselves when they feel they are dirty. If you need it specially done, though, see a small pet veterinarian for help.

How old should guinea pigs be before having babys?

NO NO Guinea pigs should not be bred so dont do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(