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You can, but not for too long. Be careful because they can overheat so if you are going to put them outside (like I do sometimes) I would give them something that they can shelter under, away from the sun.

Hope this helps!

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YES! They love to sun bathe. But if you're planning on taking them outside make sure the temp. is between 65 to 75.

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Q: Do guinea pigs like sunflower seeds?
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Can a guinea pig eat sunflower seeds?

yes they can.... my guinea pigs food comes with sunflower seeds in all the kibble... so YES!

Why do have to remove seeds from guinea pigs food?

Guinea pigs vcan easily choke on smal seeds.

Can guinea pigs eat capsicum seeds?

No, do not give your guinea pigs seeds, it is one of the poisonous things they cannot have!

Why do you have guinea pigs to eat?

youcould give them some fruit . sunflower sedds stuff like that

Do guinea pigs have a limit for apple seeds I know they are poisonous but do they have some sort of limit to it?

Apple seeds are not poisonous to guinea pigs. I give apples with the seeds in to my guinea pigs everyday. However one must be careful as guinea pigs can choke easily on apple seeds. Please NEVER give guinea pigs ANY type of seeds because thy can choke on them. If you have been giving them seeds and nothing has happened that doesn't mean seeds are safe, it means you guinea pig has been very lucky. Ask any exotic or cavy savy vet.

What are guinea pigs not aloud to eat?

guinea pigs can't eat seeds such as capsicum seeds,apple seeds........ They can NOT eat onions or anything in the onion family. Guinea pigs can eat vegetables and fruit but the fruit can only be a once a week treat like if you had strawberries you only give them a small amount each week. I hope I helped.

Are seeds from fruits and vegetables bad for guinea pigs?

Some seeds are poisonous to guinea pigs (i.e. apple seeds), and they hold absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. Moreover, guinea pigs easily choke on seeds. It is strongly advised not to feed them any kinds (except strawberries, but still feed in moderation).

Can guinea pigs have baked pumpkin seeds?


Can you feed guinea pigs seeds from the pumpkin?

no it will die

Why can't you feed guinea pigs seeds straight from the pumpkin?

Pumpkin seeds have high sugar and can make your guinea pigs have a bladder stone. Bladder stones (also known as kidney stones) are very painful to guinea pigs. Guinea pigs can have surgery but most die of anxiety. Hope that answered your question.

Can guinea pigs eat sweet pepper seeds?

Guinea pigs should not eat sweet pepper seeds, due to the amount of capsaicin they contain. Whenever you give sweet peppers to a guinea pig, make sure you remove all the seeds.

Are guinea pigs allowed to eat sun flower seeds?

Seeds are good for guinea pigs in moderation. They should not eat these as a single source of food. Green leafy vegetables should be fed along with the seeds.