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It depends on the guy, of course, but if he calls every day and you barely know each other it's likely that he wants to be more than just friends.

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Q: Do guys call girls they just met everyday if they only want to be friends?
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Sure! There's no reason they can't be! It's good for guys to have girls that are just friends to them, and it's good for girls to have guys who are just their friends too.

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Why do girls call their friends girlfriends?

I know it will seem weird to men...but girls call there friends girlfriends because they've been there like there boyfriends have been there for them...also because they kinda are like girlfriends to them....yes i know guys don't call there good friends boyfriends..but they don't want to seem gay....thats why.

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You can call them "dude" because that for girls and guys!

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no, well most guys dont, normally cos it wats guys calls girls but personally i never call someone baby or babe