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Well it really depends on if they are thick Harry Potter glasses or if they are cute and go well with your personality.

So basically don't have nerd glasses and glasses are fine half of the time I don't notice anyway.

On some girls I think glasses are hot!

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Q: Do guys care if you have glasses?
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Do hot guys think girls with glasses are hot?

Definitely. Guys are always looking for something new and exciting and me personally I really don't care if the girl has glasses or not as long as shes cute, smart, and has a great smile. Also she has to make me laugh so you shouldn't have any problems attracting guys. Have fun

Why do most married guys wear glasses?

I think your premise if flawed. Lots of married guys do not wear glasses.

Do boys only like girls without glasses?

Lots of men are different. Some guys like girls without glasses, some with glasses, and some don't really care. If someone truly likes you, they like you for you, not your looks (even if that does occur a lot).

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If they are truley our friends they will not care if you have glasses or not

How many Pizza Hut care bear glasses were there?

There were six different Care Bear glasses which were released in 1983.

Do guys like girls who have to wear glasses?

Why not, some guys will, some guys might not. Largely a personal preference issue.

Do girls like guys with glasses?

Glasses shouldn't come into the equation of what guys like. They are like clothes and can be taken off. I'm sure that's how they feel about it.There are lots of guys who like girls with glasses. Everyone is different and everyone has different likes and preferences.

How do you get a girl to like you when you have glasses?

Having glasses does sooo not change how girls feel about you, except for maybe shallow girls. My best friend likes a boy with glasses, and she doesnt care he has them. If you have a nice and cute personality then no one will care if you're wearing glasses on your face!

Can you be an attractive girl if I have glasses?

yes whether or not you have glasses, you can be very attractive. Some guys prefer girls with glasses. Besides if you have a big heart and a nice personality, why would you not be attractive!!

Do guys like girls withglasses?

Attraction is subjective and personal, so preferences can vary among individuals. Some people may find girls with glasses attractive, while others may not have a preference either way. Ultimately, what matters most is someone's personality and how they carry themselves.

What is the guys name that can shoot lasers out of his eyes and has to wear glasses?

No one fits this.

Where are the guys glasses on Pokemon sapphire?

you have to have hidden power after you beat the elite four