

Do hermit crab need a lot of care?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Hermit crabs don't require lots of care but do need some. Like, Water, Food, Water dish, food dish, extra shells, things to climb on, hermie hut (or place to hide,) correct substrate, and hermit crabs.

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Do you need to feed your hermit crab if it bites to much?

Hermit crabs do not bite, they pinch. When a hermit crab pinches you that means that they are intimidated and stressed out, and possibly hungry. In your crabitat there should always be fresh food available to your hermit crab so it does not starve. My hermit crabs are 6 years old, if you want to learn how to PROPERLY CARE FOR A HERMIT CRAB, visit

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How often does a hermit crab change shells?

When ever a hermit crab grows out of its old shell it finds a new one to call home. There is no set amount of times a hermit crab will change its shells. The hermit crab will only change shells if it has grown to big for its original one. Otherwise, the hermit crab will not change shells. It all depends on the hermit crab's growth rate and size.

What are the sighs of hermit crab pregncys?

um well they babble a lot, and they hide in their shell, and they will grow bigger.

What if your hermit crab will only eat fresh veggies and not hermit crab food?

Well, acually, if your putting your little hermie on a vegie diet, that's great! Hermit crabs eat organic fruits and vegitables. Hey, did you know that they also like to eat washed egg shells? It's true! Trust me, if you feed your hermit crab vegitables, it's not gonna die. I hoped I helped you a lot. :)

Do hermit crabs stay in their shells when they molt?

Yes, the hermit crab remains in it's (outer) sea shell/home when it molts. However, when the hermit crab molts it sheds it's old exoskeleton much like a snake sheds it's skin, pushing the old exoskeleton out of the sea shell, and forms a new exoskeleton. The new exoskeleton is soft at first and takes time to harden. The hermit crab's "tail and belly" section remains soft and vulnerable requiring a hard outer shell/sea shell for protection.

What will happen if your hermit crab shell brakes a little?

They say that a drop from about 3 feet can kill your hermit crab. If you dropped your hermit crab the first thing you should do is see if it's dead. It's body will look droopy and a dead hermit crab can start to smell like rotten fish. If your crab happeneds to still be alive but it's she'll is completely crAcked then gently scoop it up and put it into its cage with a bunch of shell options so they can pick a new shell.

How you make a hermit crab put it's head in it's shell?

Dear Questioner, I do not have an account so you don't know me, but I am a hermit crab owner and own two hermit crabs (Taz and Brad). I love them! I did a lot of research on them and so I know a few things - including your question's answer. I found this out myself: To get a hermit crab to go back into its shell, place your hand in front of him/her. If the crab still will not give, raise him/her up in the air. One of mine is stubborn but will give to this. If your want it to go further, flip the hermit crab upside down and gently tap its big pincher. Hope this helps, Taz and Brad's Owner

What does a hermit crab eat besides hermit crab food?

Hermit crabs can eat a lot of stuff. They can eat peanut butter, lettace cut up, blueberries, rassberries, basically any fruit. Also yogurt in small portions. Really they can eat a lot of stuff. Just expriment with different foods and you never know what they might eat. My hermit crab loves cream chese, so does my cat.

Why do hermit crabs chirp?

They arent squealing, they are chirping. This is how they communicate with one another. But if you only have one, it could just be chirping for fun :) Dont worry about, it is normal. :)

What should you give a hermit crab in order for them to live?

a hermit crab needs more than one friend normally. you should have a plastic or glass aquarium. crabby will need a hermie hut and a food bowl or shell. your crab will need water and something to climb on. and best of all a loving home.