

Do hermit crabs need a heated tank?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Do hermit crabs need a heated tank?
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Can you put camilion and hermit crabs together in 1 tank?

No hermit crabs need high humidity (70-85%)

Should you add water to your hermit crabs tank?

Yes its very good for the hermit crabs body!

What kind of tank would be best for your hermit crab and your babyturtle?

Hermit crabs and turtles NEVER should go in the same tank! hermit crabs need a ton of humidity, and turtles don't even live near hermit crabs, plus hermies can drown. Hermit crabs need their own tank. 2-3 small hermies need a ten gallon tank. I don't know about turtles, i would also get ANOTHER ten gallon tank.

Are there places that you can take your hermit crab to meet other hermit crabs?

Well if you have a friend who lives close and has hermit crabs then when you are hanging out at each others houses you could bring your hermit crab with you and put it in their tank. (You need a little moving tank. The very small ones with a little handle on the top.) But when you leave you need to bring your hermit crab with you. ~EEE2

What is an iso tank for hermit crabs?

it's an isolation tank for when they molt. they need peace and quiet here or else they will die, and the other crabs will eat them in the normal cage

What size cage do you need for 2 hermit crabs?

then get them! in fact, PLEASE do!! they love company and will become depressed if they don't have any. make sure to have a 10-gallon tank for two crabs though~

How big of a tank do you neeed for a water hermit crab?

Well for the safety of your hermit crabs i would use the basic rule of 1gallon of tank space per hermit crab..... so you could get any size you want.... but lets say you had a 10gallon tank so you could have 10 hermit crabs in the same tank.

Can you make an air freshener for a hermit crab tank?

No they dont have air fresheners for hermit crabs

What do hermit crabs stay in?

Hermit crabs love a large area with lots of space to play in and plenty to climb on an old aquariam tank is perfect for hermit crab/s

What do tank hermit crabs eat?

vegetables and crackers tank hermitt crab food

Can you put baby hermit crab in with older hermit crabs?

Yes. But, the older crabs may bully the younger ones. And a larger tank would be a necessity.

Should you put a light in a hermit crabs tank?

do hermit crabs perfer to have some light during the night or per darkness?