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yes it is more likely that you wil die by a pig than a shark this is beacuase you are more likely to come in contact with pigs and they become very viciuos when intenst farmed or if they have young .

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elephants because many people get crushed by a elephants a year[thousands]

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Q: Do hippos kill more humans than sharks per year?
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Do any animals eat hippos?

Hippos do not eat humans. However, they see humans as a threat. Hippos are more aggressive than most animals, so they are more likely to kill a human they see as a threat rather than run away.

Do hippos kill more people than aligators in Africa?

Hippotumus are very dangerous creatures that will charge and kill humans. Yes, they kill more people then alligators.

Why should sharks be more frightened of humans than you are to them?

Sharks by nature are not normally inclined to harm humans unless provoked, although there are of course exceptions to this. Man is more likely to hunt or kill sharks out of fear or for sport or financial gain.

Besides humans and insects what animal kills the most humans?

Sharks. Sharks kill most people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edit: It is NOT sharks. In 2009, humans killed many millions of sharks, perhaps 100 million. There were 5 known fatal attacks by sharks on humans. Dogs, elephants and hippopotami, among others, kill more humans than sharks. Humans also suffer fatal snake bites every year. Anfd if you include killing by spreading disease, you'd have to include the mosquito, which infects humans with malaria, killing thousands.

Do sharks kill more people annually than plane crashes?

No, sharks kill more.

Do sharks have more bones than humans?

yes because sharks are bigger then humans

How many people do hippos kill every year?

the hippo is one of the most dangerous animals in the modern world . Each day on average thirty-three deaths occur due to the sudden reactions of a hippos short temper. All of these deaths are mostly caused in the African region.

Do great white sharks kill humans?

actually i ask a question like this and it said great white sharks eat humans that is the sameSharks don't mean to kill humans the think it's there favorite food such as fish and seals. But yes they kill humans but don't get scared be struck by lightning is more common the getting attacked by a shark.While although rare, Great White sharks have been known to attack people who subsequently die from the injuries that they have sustained from the attack.

Do humans attack sharks more often or do sharks attack more often?


What are hippos eaten by?

Maybe the occasional lion, but the chances are so darn slim, that probably a hippo is rarely eaten by anything. They are way to big, there skin is super thick and tough, and they have teeth that can grow up to ONE METER! It isn't impossible for a lion to snag a baby hippo or something, but hippos kill more lions than they kill them.

Do shark's have more to fear from shark's or do shark's have more to fear from humans?

sharks have more to fear from humans

If you kill the shark what are the consequences?

there is more blood and that means more sharks since sharks are attrated to blood so the best tip is to don't kill a shark until it trys to kill you and if it does kill it but if there are other sharks just try to dodge it with as little movement as possible as sharks can sense any movement