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Q: Do honey bees make between 50 to 100 round trips to collect enough nectar to make a pound of honey?
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How many trips do honey bees take to collect enough nectar to make a pound of honey?

Between them the bees will make between 25 and 30 thousand foraging trips to collect enough nectar to make a pound of honey, and in the process they will visit something in the order of two million flowers.

Why do bes collect honey?

They collect nectar to create Honey for food.

Can you attract wild honey bees to collect honey?

No they make honey. They collect nectar and pollen.

What are bees called who collect nectar?

All bees collect nectar for their own consumption. Only the honey bee collects sufficient to make enough honey for us to harvest.

Why do bees collect pollen?

Bees collect nectar for food. Because raw nectar would not store for very long without fermenting, bee convert the surplus of nectar they collect into honey to use as food when nectar is not available. It is this surplus honey that we collect. Beekeepers then replace the honey with sugar syrup which, for the bees, is just as good.

In which season does the bees collect honey?

Bees don't collect honey, but they will collect nectar whenever there are nectar-bearing flowers available and the weather is suitable for them to fly (dry, warm enough, and the wind is not too strong). This period will extend from early spring to late autumn (fall).

How do the bees do honey?

Bees collect nectar from flowers and then produce honey.

How do bees make honey from nectar?

They have a secrete enzyme in there mouth that when they they collect nectar and mix it with the enzyme it makes honey.

Are honey bees made out of honey?

They are called honey bees because they collect nectar to make honey.

If a bee visits 5000 flowers how much honey will it produce?

Bees visit an average of around two million flowers to collect the nectar for a pound (454 grams) of honey. Based on this if a bee visits 5,000 flowers it will collect enough nectar to make 1.135 grams (1/25th of an ounce) of honey.

What do honeybees collect?

If you might have noticed a recent answer, which was pollen, that answer is wrong. Bees collect nectar, which they turn into honey. pollen sticks to their legs and falls onto other flowers. this is called pollination.

Why honey bees go on flower?

To collect pollen and nectar.