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Yes growth hormone i.e. Somatotrophic hormone control general growth of body.
Its hyposecreation in children cause Dwarfism, in adult it can cause Simmond's disease.
Its hypersecreation in children cause Gigantism and in adult Acromegaly

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Yes. Absolutely.

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Q: Do hormones play a role in sexual development?
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What role do hormones play in human development?

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Can the hormones during puberty make you feel a little gay?

Puberty is a time of hormonal changes that can influence sexual orientation and attraction. While hormones play a role in sexual development, they do not determine one's sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is complex and influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors.

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Animal and plant hormones play an important role in the growth and development of the species. They work by the existence of specific pathways, and complex signal transduction.

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Androgens are a type of gonadocorticoid, which are basically sex hormones, that can trigger the start of puberty in males and females. They are also responsible for sex drive.Androstenedione and DHEA are androgens, hormones that can be converted to testosterone.Hypersecretion of androgen hormones lead to beard growth, and enlargement of clitoris to resemble a small penis.Androgens are steroid hormones that control male sexual development and physique. While they are dubbed as the male hormones, they are infact also in the female body but they play a very subtle role.

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The gland may play a significant role in sexual maturation, circadian rhythm and sleep induction, and seasonal affective disorder and depression. In animals it is known to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation, and seasonal breeding. body rhythms and sleep cycles

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It is usually genetic, and hormones can play a role.

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androgens. The main androgen produced in males is testosterone. It plays a crucial role in sperm production, deepening of the voice, growth of facial and body hair, and muscle mass development.

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What are the changes in purberty?

During puberty, both boys and girls experience physical changes such as growth spurts, development of secondary sexual characteristics (like facial hair in boys and breast development in girls), and hormonal changes leading to sexual maturity. Hormones like testosterone and estrogen play a key role in these changes, which usually occur between the ages of 10 and 14 for girls and 12 and 16 for boys.

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Explain how hormones can play a role in weight-lifting running and muscle relaxation?

they don't