

Do horses eat with there teeth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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they eat with there mouths and chew with there teeth

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Q: Do horses eat with there teeth?
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Horses do not eat meat, so they do not need tearing teeth. they only need nipping teeth and chewing teeth.

Why do horses need hard flat teeth?

If they have that type of teeth, then it is easier to graze (eat grass).

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wolves eat meat so they need teeth good for ripping and eating. horses eat grass and hay so they need teeth for grinding. -pk...

Why do horses have large fat teeth?

it was made so they could eat grass in the wild

What is the possessive form of the noun horses teeth?

The possessive form for "the teeth of the horse" (singular) is "the horse's teeth".The possessive form for "the teeth of the horses" (plural) is "the horses' teeth".

What is the care of a horses teeth called?

Having your horses teeth taken care of is called having the horses teeth floated.

What mints can horses eat?

Many horses love peppermints. Just make sure not to feed them too many.

How do you keep a horse's teeth healthy?

Wild horses wear their teeth down the same way normal horses do... by eating! Just like captive horses, when they eat grass (or hay for normal horses) they chew the food by grinding their teeth. This grinding causes their teeth to wear down.

What is the purpose of horses teeth?

so they can eat! @}-- (that little thing i just drew is a rose by the way LOL)

What teeth do horses lose?

Horses lose their deciduous or "baby" teeth. When horses are born they already have their secondary set of teeth underneath their "baby teeth" just as humans do. The permanent set of teeth will grow in and push the primary set of teeth out.

Do horses use their feet to eat?

Only in the sense that a grazing horse walks around to eat grass from the ground. Horses use their lips, nose, tongue and teeth to sort, select and ingest their food.

Why do horses have big teeth?

Horse's teeth are considered to be longer than what you might consider their teeth to be due to their diet. Their teeth are "big" so that they can efficiently rip up grass to eat. Wild horses evolved to have large teeth for the previous mentioned reason as well as for protection. Wild Stallions (Male Horses) use their teeth (as well as hooves) to protect themselves from predators as well as to fight other stallions for mares (female horses) Hope This Helps!