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The body makes all the carbon monoxide it needs, which isn't much but it's more than none.

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Q: Do human need carbon monoxide to survive?
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Related questions

Do you still need a carbon monoxide detector if your home is heated electrical?

Detector is not for carbon monoxide. It is for carbon dioxide.

Do plants need carbon monoxide?

No, plants need carbon dioxide.

Is carbonated water a chemical?

No, water is very different to Carbon Monoxide. At room temperature, pure water is a colourless, odorless, tasteless liquid, whereas Carbon Monoxide is a colourless, odorless toxic gas. Water is made up of two Hydrogen atoms to one Oxygen atom per molecule, whereas Carbon Monoxide is made up of one Carbon atom to one oxygen atom per molecule. We need water to survive, whereas we need to avoid Carbon Monoxide in order to survive, as it is highly poisonous.

How do i keep my family safe from carbon monoxide poisoning?

You need a carbon monoxide detector, a good heating system, a good ventilation.

What elements does not need to be present for fire to exist oxgen carbon monoxide fuel or combusible material or heat?

Carbon monoxide is NOT required.

Importance of carbon?

Carbon is important to humans believe it or not...trees need carbon dioxide to survive and they emit oxygen which we need to survive...connect the dots

Why do you need a carbon monoxide alarm?

Carbon monoxide is colourless and without odour - and a build up in an enclosed or a poorly ventilated area, could cause asphyxiation leading to death.

How do rising levels of carbon monoxide affect your brain?

when carbon monoxide is taken in, it replaces the oxygen in the blood. this deprives cells and tissues of oxygen. It increases risk of high blood pressure and heart disease

Can air conditioning contain carbon monoxide?

Only if the air it is circulating has carbon monoxide. Air conditioners do not produce nor do they contain carbon monoxide. If you suspect carbon monoxide in your air, you need to have an HVAC professional or your local gas company inspect your dwelling because another source is producing this deadly gas. Unmaintenanced heating systems are often the culprit.

Is oxygen poiseness to plants and animals?

It's only poisonous when a single oxygen atom is bonded with a single carbon atom. This makes carbon monoxide, and is poisonous to the body, because the body can't use it. We take in the natural occurring form of oxygen as 02, meaning that there are two oxygen atoms bonded together. We use this form of oxygen to carry out our life processes. When the person is exposed to carbon monoxide and oxgygen (O2), the body chooses carbon monoxide unaware that the body is unable to use it. So in conclusion, carbon monoxide is poisonous, but oxygen in the form of O2, is what we need to survive, so it's not poisonous.

What health treatments are there if incontact with carbon monoxide?

Answer The person should be given lots of air. Then call an ambulance because they will need oxygen as carbon monoxide can cause brain damage if not treated quick enough.

What can carbon monoxide do?

Carbon Monoxide is a colorless but dangerous gas it somtimes causes death depending on the amount inhaled the symtoms are headaches, loss of judgement, feeling like you need to throw up, and other stuff like that