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Q: Do humans affect a blue heron's habitat?
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How is the blue herons habitat being destroyed?

Well, it's most likely to be us humans. Tearing down their habitat's, taking their water, and taking the lives of these bird by capturing them.

Do humans affect the Great blue heron's habitat?

Yes, we do. I murderd one last year.

What kind of habitat do blue harons?

Blue herons and the Lesser Blue Herons are prevalent where I live. They like shallow fresh water ponds or lakes where there are a lot of fish for them to eat. Since herons hunt by sight, murky water is not very helpful for them, as they cannot see the fish.

What are blue herons?

Babies that come from blue herons

What are blue herons babies?

Babies that come from blue herons

What is the difference between the great blue and white herons?

Great blue herons are grayish blue and have a thick dark caplike marking on their heads while white herons are completely white.

What do great blue herons prey upon?

Herons eat fish.

What is in a great blue herons ecosystem?

Cat tails, blue gill fish, lady great blue herons and stuff like that

Do blue herons sing?


Does habitat clearing affect blue banded bees?

Yes =P

Are great blue herons blue?

more of a grayish color

Do blue herons lay tiny light blue eggs?
