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sometimes by age. but they do not go from purple to orange, that is very stereotypical but only chameleons can change color from say, dark green to light green, light yellow to bright yellow, etc.

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9y ago

Iguanas change color depending on mood, temperature, diet, health, and during mating season. They are naturally green in color but can actually range in many shades from green, brown, orange, and even close to black.

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Q: Do iguanas change colors to their surroundings?
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How do animlas change colors?

Some animals have a special abillity, such as chameleons, called camoflauge. They can blend in with their surroundings to protect themselves. Some other animals can change colors when they are angry, etc.

Do iguanas change looks?

i just happen to know that there are severel types of iguanas and diffrent ones have diffrent colors. but iguanas do not! change their color to blend in with the environment!!! for protection iguanas have 3 usefull features a powerful whipping tail with larger iguanas known to draw the blood with it, a very powerful bite, feels like scissors slicing you,, and sharp claws,although this feature is more for climbing than a defence mechanism,.. your iguana may change its color as it grows but it will not change dramatically. if its green it will always be green if red- red and so forth. i have three iguanas of my own i know th ese things from experience. tyler Jones

Can iguanas be red?

Iguanas can be red...... They can change and blend colours with others....

How and why iguanas camouflage?

They don't change color like achameleon but they do blend in quite well with colors closest to their skin tone. for instance, green iguanas hide better in leaves, and red iguanas hide better in dirt. it's not that they TRY tocamouflage they just like to go to places where they naturally blend in.

Which animal can change its color to merge with the surroundings?

A chameleon changes color to adapt to its surroundings and camouflage. May other animal do too but I think this is the most commonly known animal that changes color.

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How are scientists able to determine what island male iguanas inhabit just by looking at them?

Iguanas are found on several different islands. The colors and shades of an iguana depends on which island they habitat.