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Yes, income tax lawyers often advertise that they will help you work out tax programs with the Internal Revenue Service or "help get the IRS off your back."

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Q: Do income tax lawyers help with IRS problems?
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Related questions

Where can you find an IRS Tax lawyer?

Yelp provides services to easily find IRS tax lawyers who can be of assistance. Alternatively, the advertisement column of a local newspaper can help find local lawyers.

What are the steps to fix income tax problems?

Common problems are not filing income taxes correctly, not filing the correct forms, or not paying owed taxes. Also, common mistakes in filing income tax is easily avoidable by using a tax preparer service. Tax attorneys can help with any legal problems with the IRS and help with plans to paying off unpaid taxes.

Where online can I find IRS tax lawyers?

There are many places online where you can find IRS lawyers. You can go to IRS or IRS taw Those are two of many you can contact online.

Senior need help for income tax return on 2008?

ko! what kind of help? The IRS website can help, or I can.

Who are the highest recommended IRS tax lawyers?

The highest recommended IRS tax lawyers include Dan Johnson and Steven Leegerheim. These are both quality lawyers. Cori Marx is great.

How much do income tax lawyers get paid?

Most tax lawyers get a percentage of whatever you have gotten. If they have to handle the IRS for back taxes and what not, then they usually charge a commission fee and still another part of a percentage if you were to win. However, if you don't win, some lawyers do not charge.

What kind of tax help do the IRS offers?

The IRS offers tax help from a variety of programs, such as the IRS Volunteer Tax Income Assistance, Tax Counseling, they both can help the tax payer with a variety of answers on how to get special tax credits.

Where can I find an IRS tax lawyer in Tucson, Ariona?

There are multiple IRS tax lawyers in the Tucson area. Search and contact multiple lawyers that are well reviewed and well rated for your specific issue. From this search you should be able to find at least one lawyer who is skilled in the area you need and able to help you work out your issues with the IRS

Do you know anyone who can help me with an irs settlement?

There are certain CPA's and lawyers who can help you with back taxes. They can be pricey in cost, however, they are professionals and know how to deal with this situation.

What should I look for when researching an income tax attorney.?

When lookng for a good tax attorney, the main feature you should look for is the willingness of the attorney to help guide you through the process of dealing with the IRS. The real question is are you have trouble with the IRS itself? Or are you having problem with your taxes in general? The reason that is being asked is because there are 2 kinds of attorneys that can help you, which is a income tax attorney which knows all the income tax codes and can help you re-organize what mistakes you have made and help you resolve them. A IRS tax attorney more or less deals with the IRS itself if you are having poblems with the IRS.

Can the IRS seize a pension if it is your only income?

Yes some pension income can be seized by the IRS.

Where can I learn how to calculate my income tax?

H & R Block has a tax calculator that will help you calculate your income tax. You can also visit the IRS's website and there they will be able to help you find out.