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Q: Do japan people get a day off when the cherry blossom come out?
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Where do cherry blossom trees come from?


Did cherry blossoms come from china?

no they came from japan, and in Japanese the word sakura means cherry blossom :)

Why is the cherry blossom tree so important to japan?

Japan has many cherry trees in the nation. In the spring, the cherry blossoms are considered quite beautiful. Tourists come from many nations to see them.

Where did a cherry blossom come from?

To be honest, Sakura Tree's actually came from Korea, as a gift to the Japanese, A few centuries later the western's went to japan. and Japan gave them the gift of a Sakura Tree. Since then people thought sakura tree's(Cherry Blossom Tree's) Came from Japan. but infact came from Korea.

Is there such a thing as a cherry blossom bird?

Yes, it will come out sometime in June. it comes with the cherry blossom bird loveseat and a cherry blossom cheesecake.

How come a cherry tree don't blossom?

Cherry trees do blossom, and the flowers smell and look great!

What is the origin of cherry blossom festival?

Cherry blossom festivals can be viewed from January to June in different regions in Japan, but most of cherry blossom festivals fall between March to May.

What is the best time to visit japan?

The best time to come to Japan is in spring or late January to March because it is when cherry blossom start to bloom.

Where do cherry blossom come from?

Technically speaking it does come from a cherry tree! But a more acurate answer would be in China. Cherry Blossoms originated in China, and then was brought over seas by European settelers. Thus making everyone think they come from Japan.

Were does the name sakura come from?

It comes from the meaning 'cherry blossom'.

What is the Japanese cherry blossom?

The Japenese celebrate when the cherry blossoms come out. It is usally in April time

Where did the word sauerkraut originate from?

From Japanese cherry blossom, It can also come from (saku) "blossom" and (ra)"good".